miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007

Las alegrías del 5 de Septiembre.

Holly Johnson
"Legendary children (All of them queer) (Dances With Handbags Remix)"

Michelangelo... Leonardo da Vinci... William Shakespeare... Nijinsky...
Alexander the Great... Tchaikovsky... Bernstein... Mahler... Liberace

Oh come let us adore them
Those legendary children
You know you can´t ignore them
Those legendary children

Add your name to this Hall of Fame
The answer is clear
They´re all of them queer
Add your name to this Hall of Fame
Stand up and cheer
They´re all of them queer

Andy Warhol... Johnny Ray... William Burroughs... Jean Genet...
Isherwood... Wilde... Capote... Auden... Jean Cocteau... Joe Orton

You know you can´t ignore them
Those legendary children
Oh come let us adore them
Those legendary children

Add your name to this Hall of Fame
The answer is clear
They´re all of them queer
Add your name to this Hall of Fame
Stand up and cheer
They´re all of them queer

Extravaganza! Extravaganza!

Mapplethorpe... Crisp... Keith Haring... Derek Jarman... Candy Darling...
Hartman... Sommerville... in the house... Dhiagalev... Nureyev... Michael Mouse...
Little Richard... George O´Dowd... Divine... Cole Porter... Say it loud !
Holly... Wolfgang... plenty handbag... Brenda Yardley... What a fag !

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