El último clasicazo. Mañana por la noche ya será Noviembre, ¡a ver si se me pasa esta otoñez que tengo!
Mary McGregor
"Torn between two lovers"
Mary McGregor
"Torn between two lovers"
There are times when a woman has to say what's on her mind
Even though she knows how much it's gonna hurt
Before I say another word let me tell you I love you
Let me hold you close and say these words as gently as I can:
There's been another man that I've needed and I've loved
But that doesn't mean I love you less
And he knows you can't possess me and he knows he never will
There's just this empty place inside of me that only he can fill
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' you both is breakin' all the rules
You mustn't think you've failed me just because there's someone else
You were the first real love I ever had
And all the things I ever said, I swear they still are true
For no one else can have the part of me I gave to you
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' you both is breakin' all the rules
I couldn't really blame you if you turned and walked away
But with everything I feel inside, I'm asking you to stay
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' you both is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
O lo que es lo mismo: la historia de un zorrón que no se decide entre su marido y su amante. Endevélasole...
Yo tampoco me decido... alto, bajo, peludo, lampiño, moreno, rubio...
Even though she knows how much it's gonna hurt
Before I say another word let me tell you I love you
Let me hold you close and say these words as gently as I can:
There's been another man that I've needed and I've loved
But that doesn't mean I love you less
And he knows you can't possess me and he knows he never will
There's just this empty place inside of me that only he can fill
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' you both is breakin' all the rules
You mustn't think you've failed me just because there's someone else
You were the first real love I ever had
And all the things I ever said, I swear they still are true
For no one else can have the part of me I gave to you
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' you both is breakin' all the rules
I couldn't really blame you if you turned and walked away
But with everything I feel inside, I'm asking you to stay
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' you both is breakin' all the rules
Torn between two lovers, feelin' like a fool
Lovin' both of you is breakin' all the rules
O lo que es lo mismo: la historia de un zorrón que no se decide entre su marido y su amante. Endevélasole...
Yo tampoco me decido... alto, bajo, peludo, lampiño, moreno, rubio...
7 comentarios:
¿Tienes "otoñez"? ¿Y eso te lo ha mirado un médico? ¿te estás tratando contra la "otoñez"? ¿es de esas enfermedades raras que no tienen cura porque sólo lo tenéis u 05% de la población mundial? ¿Significa que puedes morirte? DIOS! NENEEEEEEE!!!! NO NOS DEJES, POR FAVOOOOOR!!!!!!!
Me parto con la Isi jajajaja
Y nada, que yo tampoco me decido, ya lo he dicho muchas veces, he perdido todo criterio y me gustan TODOS LOS HOMBRES, pero todos todos! (bueno, casi todos, que pa algunos hay que tener mucho estómago y eso no lo he perdido!)
Y que la canción ésta ... en fin ... que cantada con esa vocecita y con esa ñoñez de música, pues no sé, lo último que "mese" viene a la cabeza es un zorrón, la verdad.
Yo me quedo con todos estos menos el del tatu.
Isi... ehmmm... yo si tuviera lo tuyo también me lo miraría, eh? XD
Lux: no me extraña que no te decidas, jomío, con la carne que hay por el mundo, Ayns! Y te juro que la de la canción es un zorrón. ¿Recuerdas "El jardín prohibido" de Sandro Giacobbe? (¿O acaso tú no tienes edad para recordarla...?) Esa que decía lo de: "Esta tarde vengo triste, tengo que decirte... que tu mejor amiga ha estado entre mis brazos..." Joputa! XD Pues ésta es la versión femenina.
Ramón, así me gusta, con criterio, y no como el zorrón del Lux XD
Zorrón yo??? Por dios, nada más lejos de la realidad, aunque no será por falta de ganas!
Y como no voy a recordar la canción "lo sieeeeeento muuuuucho, la viiiiida es asíiiii ... " será cerdo el tío!!!!
Ya-te-di-go (leer con sorna madrileña).
Sobre todo esa frase... es que es pa cogerle y cortarle en pedacitos en plan Dexter con una hacha o similar y después, cuando aún siga vivo, decirle: "¿recuerdas lo de "lo siento mucho, la vida es así"? Pos a joderse!" XD
"no laheinventaaaaaaaaado yoooooooo oooooo oooooooo"
Me parto!!!!
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